How to Grow Your YouTube Channel (8 Practical Tips)


How to Grow Your YouTube Channel (8 Practical Tips)

I have got 570,000 subscribers and 14,860,915 views on my YouTube channel as of the time of writing this post.  lot of people ask me what strategies I've used for YouTube growth. And here I'm, answering on how to grow your YouTube channel. 

In this post, I'll talk about 8 practical tips that will help you increase YouTube views and subs. But first, let me talk about something important. These 8 tips are all about common sense, and just about anybody can do it without a doubt. 

That's the open secret to being successful at anything. But success will kiss your feet only if you implement these tips consistently. Start implementing these easy-peasy tips to grow your YouTube channel immediately after reading them. 

Sounds fair? Let's jump on the advanced techniques for guaranteed YouTube growth.

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel (8 Practical Tactics)

These 8 practical tactics and tips will help you increase YouTube views and subscribers. All you need is to act on them consistently.

Syndicate Your Video Content – Spread the Word

Giving legs to your content – this is how Neil Patel defines content syndication. I define it with cross-pollination. It's when a flower or plant pollinates from another flower or plant. What you do is create a video and spread the word about it everywhere. 

And everywhere means everywhere. For that, I use Content Studio. It's easy to use social media posting and scheduling tools. What I do is share the link to my YouTube video across different social media platforms. 

But you must repurpose your content according to the platform you use. For example, I create Pins for posting to Pinterest, share links in Instagram stories and the Telegram channel. There are a lot of followers on these platforms.

And it gives an instant boost to my YouTube videos. 

So here's what you do:

Share your YouTube video on Instagram, Pinterest, and wherever you can. 

And do it consistently. Use a particular social platform more often if it's working better than others. Telegram, Pinterest, IG, and Quora are extremely powerful platforms for that.

Step Up Your Success: Do More What's Working 

Listening is an art. And it's not just about putting your ears. But it's also about noticing things around. So listen to your viewers on YouTube. The next time you create a video that everyone likes, keep creating videos like that. 

Make videos related to the videos that have worked well on your YouTube channel.

Isn't it common sense? Do more of what's working for you. This is how to grow your youtube channel.

Send Your Videos to Your Email List (Convertkit)

Sending your videos to your email list is a wonderful way to increase YouTube views. The algorithm supports the videos that perform better immediately after the upload. Don't you have an email list? Well, start by building one. It's gold!

But you may wonder, “How come can someone make an email list with only a YouTube channel?”

Create a website with a lead magnet so that your viewers may enter their email addresses into it. And share that site in the description of your videos to build your email list. Email marketing has the best ROI in the industry. And you need to pay attention to it.

Here's what you need to do:

Create a landing page to grab email addresses from your viewers or readers

Start sending them emails using Convertkit. 

Share your videos with your email subscribers. 

If you do it right, your email subscribers are already interested in you. So they will watch your videos without a doubt. But why have I recommended using Convertkit?

Why Convertkit?

Well, it has an extremely intuitive and easy-to-use interface. You can use it even if you're a beginner. And it helps you do a lot of things, from email marketing to creating landing pages to automation. 

Do you want some adventure? Create your email marketing system here. 

Create Push Notification (OneSignal)

Push notifications are as gold as emails. They don't get caught in spam filters or forgotten in the inbox. Isn't it awesome? I have already asked you to create a landing page or website. Create push notifications on your site using OneSignal now.

People visiting your site will see this pop-up. Afterward, you can send push notifications to them whenever you want. And they'll subscribe to your push notification if they choose to. 

If you upload a new YouTube video, share it with your push notification subscribers.

For that,

•Go to OneSignal

•Click on ‘Get Started' for free

•Do the ‘Site Setup'

•Add prompt

•Set up the ‘welcome notification.'

•Upload OneSignal SDK to your site

 And that's just it! You have set the push notification for your site. Now every time you publish a YouTube video, share it with your push notification subscribers.

And this is how to grow your YouTube channel fast and get traffic to your blog as well. 

Make Click-Worthy Thumbnails & Titles

You may have made the best video ever created on the face of this planet and upload it on YouTube. But if someone doesn't click on it, you'll get nothing. For that, you need to focus on two important things:

•Eye-Catchy Thumbnails

•Click-Worthy Titles

Those two factors determine whether a person watches the video. That's why you must work on them. And notice that I've used the word ‘click-worthy' and not ‘click-bait.' I don't want you to deceive people. 

But how to make your thumbnails attractive:

•Look at thumbnails of the most popular videos in your niche

•Think about tweaking something different and unique 

•Never use YouTube's default thumbnail

•Add attention-grabbing texts or numbers

•Size your thumbnails perfectly

And how to create thumbnails using Canva for free

•Go to Canva

•Create a free account there

Search for ‘YouTube thumbnails' if you want to start with a template

Tweak changes according to your brand or video

 Canva is a wonderful design tool for non-designers. Download it, and you're ready. Try it and let me know if you like it. 

And what about creating titles? Here are a few tips for you to create awesome titles:

Know what you're writing

•Find the best keyword and include it in your titles naturally

•Incorporate power or trigger words (google them)

•Enter some interesting fact, number or text

•Try CoSchedule's Headline Studio to create headlines

•And get the best score possible for each video's titles. And that brings us to the sixth tip to grow your TubeTube channel. 

Improve Your Video Production Quality

You don't need top-notch tools to create videos on YouTube. True! But honestly, people love enjoying quality. Video production quality has become important because of the top-notch devices to view the videos. 

With that said, improve your video production quality but don't make it stop you from creating videos. Start little and improve everything from the camera setup to the overall studio.

If you ask me how to grow your YouTube channel, I'll not hesitate to advise you to improve the production quality. The higher the video quality, the more viewers you'll attract.  

Re-Optimize Your Old Videos

This tip is pretty straightforward. With every video, you improve a lot of things. And let the improvements help you amp up your old videos as well. Optimize your old videos using your current knowledge. What do I mean by that?

•Go to your YouTube channel

•Filter your videos with fewer views (say 5000, less or more)

•And change their thumbnails, titles, and description as well

•And that's what I do, a lot of times. There are many videos I have created in the past that have terrible thumbnails, titles, or more. There is no excuse not to improve them when you can. 

•Or you can set those videos as ‘private' and make the videos on the same topics again. And don't stop promoting your old videos with these tips. 

Tweak Interesting Edits & Encourage Your Viewers to Engage

YouTube's algorithm helps your videos spread among more people if people engage with your videos. It also helps if your viewers watch your videos for a substantial time.

Encourage your viewers to like, comment on, and share your videos across their social platforms. The more engagements you get, the better. Do whatever it takes to boost your audience retention. And I'm saying it positively. 

TL; DR – How to Grow Your YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel helps you grow your audience, monetize your efforts, and increase your brand awareness. But it happens if you grow your YouTube channel like a pro. After getting 415K subs, I'm sharing 8 tips based on my experience. 

Syndicate your video content across other platforms using ContentStudio

•Create videos that are working on your YT channel

•Share your videos with your email subscribers using Convertkit

•Benefit from push notification using OneSignal

•Create click-worthy titles using CoSchedule & thumbnails using Canva

•Boost the production quality of your videos 

•Optimize your old videos by tweaking changes in title, thumbnail, and more

•Tweak interesting edits and encourage your viewers to like, share, and comment

Be confident when implementing these tips to grow your followers and views on YouTube. Which of these tips do you find more promising than others? Let me know in the comments below. And post questions about them in The daily creative

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